Morna – Swan Song
12″ | riza028

Morna - Swan Song
releases April 25, 2025
All songs written and performed by Morna.
Lyrics by Luke L. Schneider.
Recorded at Tonmeisterei Oldenburg, May 2024 by Dave.
Mixed and Mastered by Role.
Daniel Möhring: Vocals – Guitar – Bass
Lukas L. Schneider: Drums / Vocals
Additional Vocals Track 2: Lila Ehjä.
Additional Guitar and Vocals on Track 3: Jannik „The Plague“ Plackties.
Artwork by Joscha Bauer.
Band photo by Stina Freytag.
Photography Lukas L. Schneider and Lars Hengst.
16,00 € 14,00 € 14,00 €In den Warenkorb
Welk – Mahr
12″ | riza027

Welk - Mahr
released February 22, 2022
vinyl release: t.b.a.
released February 22, 2022
Recorded mixed and mastered by Falk Andreas
Photo by Juliane Fraenkel
Design & Concept by Hannes Starke
Music written and performed by Welk 2020/2021
(Eric, André, Hannes, Kevin, Thomas)
Lyrics by Eric Braatz
Guest vocals and lyrics by Nici – Wrest.
(Song „Vergissmeinnicht“)
16,00 € 16,00 €In den Warenkorb
Flesia – Trost
12″ | riza025

Flesia - Trost
Under the mighty roar of fatally melodic and gruellingly dissonant black metal, the Leipzig trio Flesia sees the darkness of the world. The fitting soundtrack is provided by their debut album Trost, on which exactly that is not to be found.
The instrumentation, reduced exclusively to bass and drums, creates violently rearing acoustic walls and pulsating song structures – mostly lapsing into frenzy, but occasionally bursting into deeply painful resignation, but always consistently behind a unique backdrop of the brutal collapse of being.
Due to the broad amp repertoire, the bass scratches, bites, seethes and eats into the synapses with an almost unbelievably broad sound spectrum, always driven by relentless, mostly blasting drums.
This musical doomsday rage is completed by ranting, screaming and manically whispering vocals, which express a devastating, retributive view of power, consumption and human existence.
With their debut album, Flesia leave a burning trail of destruction and prove that blasts, bass and prose are the only necessary means to do so.
released October 1, 2021
T R O S T was recorded by Alex Helm at Heartware Studios in Leipzig.
Mixing and Mastering was done by Andy Rosczyk at Goblin Sound Studios in Cologne.
All music and lyrics by Flesia.
Cover Art is a linoprint done by Ellinor Janderski.
This LP will be out Oct 1st 2021 on 200 black vinyl copies and 100 white vinyl copies via Revolvermann Records and Manyiax Records.
F L E S I A is J & N & F.
16,00 € 16,00 €In den Warenkorb
◯ – Pietra
12″ | riza024

◯ - Pietra
released October 3, 2015
We are O
M: bass | E: guitar | G: Drums | S: vocals
All songs recorded and mixed by Riccardo „Paso“ Pasini at Studio 53 – Ravenna, Italy in 4 days of May 2014.
Mastered by Alan Douches at West West Side Music – New York.
All music by O, all lyrics by S.
Translation in English by G, Clém, V. e A. Greene.
Design by M.
First press produced by GRINDPROMOTION RECORDS and UNQUIET RECORDS. 2015 ©
12,00 € 8,00 € 8,00 €In den Warenkorb
Hester – Succus
12″ | riza023

Hester - Succus
Release-Date: April 30, 2018
• Photography by Koch & James and Sebastian Wiemer
• Design by Erik Schöfer
• Image editing by Christian Ertel
• Succus was recorded live by Chris Bethge at RAMA Recording Studio Mannheim 2o16
• Mixed and masterd by Tobias Schwarz 2o16
• All songs written by Hester
• Hester is:
Benjamin Bartosch,
Caroline Courbier,
Christoph Heidt,
David Bastong,
Sebastian Wiemer
12,00 € 8,00 € 8,00 €In den Warenkorb
Toadeater – Bit To Ewigen Daogen
12″ | riza022

Toadeater - Bit To Ewigen Daogen
Following this basic thesis, Toadeater unleash their second longplayer „Bit to ewigen Daogen“ right after releasing the EP „Hestia“. The upcoming opus contains five monuments about mankind’s creation, their alienation with an ecosystem they were orginally born into and the happening decay of our civilization.
Musically „Bit To ewigen Daogen“ is Toadeater’s most elaborated work and the atmosphere is more oppressive and melancholic than ever before. Staying true to their trademarks, all songs are built on elegiac melodies alternating with manic riffing, rage filled drumming, ulver-ish synth-parts and majestic clean vocals (for the first time). This Longplayer brings Toadeater’s well-known atmosphere to a higher level of despair and agony
released October 2, 2020
All songs written by Toadeater,
except I by M.
All Lyrics by S.
All Songs recorded, mixed and mastered by
Andy Rosczyk at Goblin Sound Studio, Cologne in spring 2020.
Artwork by Drowned Orange.
Photo by Irina But.
16,50 €Ausführung wählen
Farson – Erode
12″ | riza021

Farson - Erode
„Erode“ is the first album of the quartet Farson. Four
atmospheric songs that reflect the devastating contradictions
immanent in human life. On this record, Farson built a
Stronghold of melodic and devastatingly beautiful reverb-
soaked guitars, only to slowly let it erode in ever oncoming
surges of inescapable, relentless blastbeats and desperate
screams. This is an album that makes you feel pleasent only to
pull the rug out from under your feet to let you sink into a
maelstrom of forlornness.
released May 27, 2016
Dom – Guitar/ Vocals
Rezy – Drums
Julian – Bass
Yannick – Vocals
Recorded, mixed and mastered in 2015 by
Dominik Dewitz
Artwork and Layout by Joscha Bauer:
12,00 € 7,00 € 7,00 €In den Warenkorb
Colaris – Nexus
2×12″ | riza019

Colaris - Nexus
Releasedate: 07/17/2015
Nexus will be released on vinyl and CD in association with Revolvermann Records, Narshardaa Records and Wolves and Vibrancy Records. Puzzle Records will take care of a special tape edition
1. Evoke (Nexus pt.1)
2. Mælstrøm
3. Lemuria
4. Shoals
5. Im Sog
6. Cluster
7. Burst
8. Harvest (Nexus pt.2)
20,00 € 10,00 € 10,00 €In den Warenkorb
Oak / [intothetide] – Split
12″ | riza018

Oak intothetide - Split
Oak / [intothetide] – Split
12″ | riza018
300 pieces on clear vinyl
Split 12″ between Oak and IntoThe Tide from France.
Oak are playing instrumental Post Rock while IntoTheTide are playing Post Metal sometimes reminding me of old Cult of Luna.
Limited to 300 transparent clear vinyl, with a 1 color screenprinted gatefold cover.
10,00 € 10,00 €In den Warenkorb